Michael Steele: With friends like these…

Man I just laughed my butt off this morning. Check out this post at TPM central: Roy Blunt Should Be Cleaned Out Of The Crapper Now it’d probably come as no surprise that I don’t care for Steele, but if I were a Republican I’d be pretty pissed off as well. To equate a fellow [...]

Fox News Lies: Well, at least we know the truth.

Hope you can hold down lunch from this one: Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling When an article leads off with, “The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves” you [...]

Ah, how hard the conservatives now need to work.

Here’s an interesting post at American Thinker, having to do with their notion of Obama’s intelligence: Just How Smart is Obama? Now it is true that virtually the entire nation was on GWB for his lack of gray-matter horsepower, but American Thinker did not seem to be too flustered by his nukular vocambulary. They are, [...]

I am considering something, want your opinion.

The latest discussion over healthcare (which has recently moved into free speech) is a perfect example of where blogs are not the right medium for what I am trying to accomplish here. I am considering converting my blog into a forum so that discussions can be had on all manner of political hot button. I [...]

Happy 4th of July!

Do you know why we celebrate today? I’ll bet you think it’s because we became independent of England. That would be a common misconception. We celebrate July 4th because it is the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence, which officially made us a nation at war with England. The revolutionary war was not over [...]