Here’s an interesting post at American Thinker, having to do with their notion of Obama’s intelligence: Just How Smart is Obama?
Now it is true that virtually the entire nation was on GWB for his lack of gray-matter horsepower, but American Thinker did not seem to be too flustered by his nukular vocambulary. They are, however, convinced that Obama is a rank idiot and give plenty examples as to exactly why. I think this is funny because first off, everyone makes a mistake and I am CERTAINLY not one to throw stones, given a rather fragile glass house of my own. But the examples they site are *really* persnickety. It’s funny to me, just how hard they have to work to try to prove that assertion. In fact, I doubt that the tiniest percentage of people would even be able to tell there are errors in there – some of them are just downright silly.
I am so very glad that we have a president that is human, makes his share of blunders like the rest of us, but when it’s meaningful will fess up – like with the Gates issue. To pursue this line of attack is actually comical IMO, and makes clear how few *real arguments* the right wing has.
Have a great one!
The “entire nation” was not on President Bush’s case – just the media.
I do not understand why PrezBO gets a free pass while President Bush is persecuted.
PrezBO’s “57 States” remark is more stupid that President Bush’s “nukular” pronunciation.
Come on. Get real. The media has snippets of all presidents making mistakes. To raise PrezBO up like he’s somehow “above it” while trying to portray President Bush as unintelligent is one-sided and inaccurate.
Your bias and your susceptibility to media hype are showing…
This is an accurate comment:
“I think that Obama is a bright guy, smarter than the average bear. However, I doubt that he is nearly as intelligent as his supporters are convinced of. I read recently a comment that I think is very accurate, ‘Obama is very practiced in acting smarter than he really is.’”
Excellent point.
Good thing he always has a teleprompter…
Let me guess Nash. You think he is a sleeper terrorist because there are 57 islamic nations and he slipped up and referenced that?
Or maybe he is into the occult where 57 has some retarded importance.
Please… occam’s razor is a wonderful thing. He had been campaigning hard, was tired, and worn out. In the speech he posed it as a question and even had a follup math issue. “I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii,” LOL. One left, alaska and hawaii. He obviously was totally drunk off his gourd and cracked out on meth…
Seriously, it’s easy to figure out the 57. There are 50 states. He had been to 47 (ish). It’s like that test where they print the name of a color and the actually color is different. Like the word RED is printed in green ink. Then you have to say the words only or the color only. If you have two things in your head, you merge them into one.
Or maybe….
3=the holy trinity.
OH MY GOD!!! He is Jesus reborn!!!
Thankfully your around to prove perks title point Nash
Actually, I’m dis proving them.
I got around to reading the article, even though the link was bad (I figured it out).
PrezBO made some ATROCIOUS errors that, had they been made by President Bush, would’ve been inexcusable.
However, since these “errors” were made by your hero, your Messiah, he that can do no wrong, they must be forgiven, along with his associations with Ayers, Dorn, Wright, and Rezco, among others.
Why would that be?
Is it because he is (half) black, and the whites owe him something because of slavery?
Or, is it because everyone should know that a Chicago politician / “community organizer” is more capable of being president than a man that graduated from Yale AND earned an MBA from Harvard Business School (the only President to do so)?
The real answer?
Because the media knows how to control yo Sheeple.
He came from next to nothing and was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.
GWB was a C student.
Hardly a comparison.
Not that grades matter much, because they don’t. Willingness to work hard matters a lot, though (in a president).
As Nuts says, thanks Nash for simply proving the point. You don’t get to be president of the Harvard Law Review, or a professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard for 12 years if you’re an idiot. The fact that you and your ilk would focus on it that way is what makes this just so laughable.
You also don’t get to be a Texas Governor and a 2-time President if you’re an idiot, either.
If you come from the right family, you do.
I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. You’re comparing an erudite scholar to a mouth-breathing neanderthal for fuck’s sake.
Apparently, you’re the neanderthal if you fell for PrezBO’s media blitz.
Most of his appointments withdrew.
A tax cheat as treasury secretary? How f-ing stupid can you be??
PrezBO’s approval rating is falling as fast as Congress’.
Everybody, including PrezBO himself, is starting to see that he’s in over his head.
America really f’d up this time.
Not surprising, considering more people voted in American Idol.
Media blitz? I don’t watch TV or read any sort of news aside from the occasional stop at Reddit.
It’s never stuff you need to know. If it’s important, someone will tell you. I prefer to read more timeless material instead of polluting my mind with the sort of ephemeral rubbish that passes for “news” these days.
I’m not a huge Obama fan. I consider him a much better presidential candidate than McCain and I consider him a very intelligent person. I don’t agree with him on many points, but I’m not some raving nutcase about it.
He messed up a fact. Big deal. Everyone will call him on it. At least he can form coherent sentences. You mention the teleprompter, but Bush couldn’t even speak at a third grade level *with* the help of a teleprompter.
Oh, Bush did a lot better than PrezBO already has. No question.
Anyhoo, if you put PrezBO WAY up here and Bush WAY down there, that is not only the way the biased media portrayed it, but it is not at all accurate.
Wow Nash, you are just the poster boy for “Republican Water Carrier.”
If you honestly believe that GWB did better, both for himself and for our country than what PBO is endeavoring to do, then there is nothing to discuss. He is roundly described as both one of the worst presidents since Coolidge and most despised of all time. So if you really think that Obama will manage to beat that record, we are not reading the same press. LOL. That much seems certain.
I’ve been wondering for a while now why the media hasn’t jumped all over obama’s blunders. This is a non story.
I thought it was silly when people would make compilations of Bush stuttering or whatever. Now some blog online does the same kind of thing to obama. BIg deal.
Who is supporting obama? Liberals are for the most part disappointed in him and conservatives have a problem with everything he does. His ratings are dropping because the libs don’t really approve of his approach.
That blog post from AT is pretty darn funny actually. It only goes to show that you can make anyone look stupid if you try. Bush and Obama alike.
Bush won his second term even though the media was totally stacked against him. CBS, NBC, ABC, MSN, CNN. Only fox was leaning toward bush although Geraldo and Colmes and Juan Williams were obviously for Obama.
His family didn’t get him elected. And yes it’s true that BUsh was a C student, like JFK.
You know, I am not nearly as interested in the relative intellectual levels of the two presidents as I am in their individual commitment to their job. George was not really interested in anything to do with the presidency, pushing it all off onto Cheney, while “Presbo” (how cute!) is dedicated and passionately involved in the job.
Bush has a ton of psychological issues that drove his presidency, while Obama so far has been intent on keeping the promises of his campaign. Some of us on the left had interpreted his promises to mean a more radical agenda, but we had it wrong. We do feel some disappointment in his softer approach to the carnivorous right, his unwillingness to pursue the Bush crime family for their constitutional misdeeds, and his aggravating need for “bipartisanship.”
My feelings of the positive come from watching the nut jobs come out of the woodwork to attack him with such things as the lie machine about the birth certificate. To me, the demonstration across the spectrum of right wing talk, including these examples above in the blog of truly stupid and irrelevant word games, instead of productively engaging in the issues that we are faced with simply assures me that he (Presbo) is doing something right.
If by “Republican Water Carrier”, you meant that I am sticking up for what is right, trying to get us back to Conservatism, and trying to oppress socialism, then you would be right.
First of all, Jimmy Carter will always be regarded as the worst and most despised president.
Secondly, how many “despised” presidents were re-elected?
But, if you actually read the posts before going into liberal propoganda, you would notice that I was referring to GWB’s enunciation and articulation.
Where to start…..
1) I would think that a business background would be better suited for the presidency than a law background. A law background is better suited for a supreme court justice.
I don’t think PrezBO is as comitted or dedicated to the issues of the people as he is trying to smear the right, or trying to make history as the first non-white president.
2) PresBO made a lot of promises that he knew he couldn’t keep in order to draw from a specific voter base. It has become eveident that he is not going to be able to keep his promises.
3) The whole “Bush Crimes” thing is a non-issue dreamed up by the liberal media. Nothing of substance there. If you can’t pursue Slick Willie’s hummer fiasco, then you got nothin’ on Bush.
4) I don’t see where PresBO is doing anything “right”. Even the Dems don’t agree with him 100%.
There is an obvious slant and bias, which tends to build PrezBO up higher than he actually is and to put GWB lower than he actually is.
The fact of the matter is that all of these people in this Bro-mance with PrezBO cannot give any specific examples of any major accomplishements while he was a senator, or any substaintial improvements that he has made or will definitely make as president.
LMAO!! That’s funny nash.
Hey listen, talk is cheap fellas. For a bunch of people who see a giant gulf between bush and obama I say this:what is wrong with you?
Obama did not pull out of Iraq immediately like he said he would (to the far left) and he’s killing civilians in Pakistan left and right.
Talk is cheap. Gitmo is still in business.
Talk is cheap: did obama stomp on the patriot act yet? Why not?
How can obama be a good pres and bush a bad pres when they have the same policies?
Obama has not charmed his way through Iran or North Korea and he is failing to lead countries like India and China in the fight against global warming too.
Then he’s pissed everyone off with his version of HCR. The liberals are pissed taht it’s not single payer and the conservs are pissed that it’s too darn socialistic.
HE even pissed PETA off when he actually swated a fly on TV.
Meat is murder boys. roflmao:
These are a few encouraging signs. I hope he keeps it up.
He is actually continuing quite a few of the Bush Administration policies, which is even more encouraging (and really pisses off the left).
Ok Righties, let’s get something straight.
1. It took eight years of total incompetence and refusal to abide by the constitution to get us into the mess that Obama inherited. Gitmo and Iraq are being closed and finished, but that cannot be done overnight. The troops are restricted to base in Iraq and Gitmo is being solved. However, in the Gitmo case, because of the Bush crimes of torture and illegally developed evidence, it has created a thorny transition.
2. Obama has always spoken of Afganistan as the forgotten war of missed opportunities. That is the war that we should have fought, killed or captured Bin Laden, and been done with the middle east. Now, because Bush and Cheney wanted to illegally widen the war to Iraq, Bin Laden was allowed to escape to Pakistan. PresBO is cleaning up the mess that the shrub and shooter created and fucked up.
3. The comment about a business background being better than a legal one is really silly. The major job of government is the creation and maintenance of a legal structure that supports the constitutional obligations of government. The job of a ceo is to create profit. The law is a mote in the businessman’s eye, rather than a recognized obligation. This country has gone over the cliff because of the disastrous policies of the “businessmen” Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush (1 & 2).
4. How can you possibly compare Slick Willy’s hummer with the attempt to totally dismantle the constitution? That statement is dumb as dirt. The foolishness of the impeachment of Bill Clinton should never have happened, while the imprisonment of Bush, Cheney and a host of his goons should have taken place. What kind of “conservatives” are you guys? Barry Goldwater would be humiliated to see that the movement that he started has dropped to such a pitifu intellectual and moral low.
5. I think that there is no question that Carter and his visionary policies for the environment and energy were way ahead of its time. The great god of the right, Ronald Reagan, was clearly an opportunist who set the path for us to be in this economic wasteland. As far as most despised, Bush is right there with Polk and Buchannan. History is beginning to see it as so.
Oh, my GOD – this is the worst leftist bullshit I have ever heard!!
1) There are no war crimes. None. Get over it. Several Dems approved of the use of force in Iraq.
2) I agree about Afghanistan, but getting Saddam is a bonus. Also, remember that Bush & Cheney were not alone in this.
3) The biggest complaint that Americans have right now is the defecit and the economy. Only a businessman can turn that around. And, contrary to your belief, Reagan did a GREAT job saving the economy after inheriting Carter’s mess.
4) There’s that leftist “double-standard” again.
5) Total crap. Carter was a total f-up that didn’t do ANYTHING worth a damn (see number 3, above).
1. excuse #1
2. excuse #2
3. excuse #3
4. excuse #4
5. excuse #5
Obama is still following many of bush’s policies. What about the patriot act?
Every president needs to clean up the previous presidents mess. Bush had to deal with an under funded intelligence and military.
While our enemies were gathering up around us Slick Willie was busy getting his hummers. Then bush becomes president and the country is attacked. Everything changed. The focus of Bush’s presidency was not allow to be business as usual.
Even still, Obama follows many of bush’s policies and no one has addressed the patriot act yet. Giving him a free pass I guess.
There’s a problem here WillyP, and that is that neither Edgar or Nash read anything except what supports their views. And if something doesn’t support it, they reject it out of hand.
@Nash, worst leftist bullshit I’ve ever heard:
1) You are simply wrong. It is merely that we are the largest and that gitmo discussion was kept artificially down that it has survived. Try going outside the country, just one and listen to the news. You will be astonished how even the BBC dissects and analyzes out behavior. Oh, wait: I remember now. Nothing that anyone else thinks of us, matters. Bush and Cheney not only have committed these crimes, they have committed more against OUR VERY PEOPLE … in violation of the VERY CONSTITUTION YOU SAY YOU ARE QUOTING. War crimes my ass. Treason would be a better charge. Christ, what country or state of mind do you people live in? Have you ever even read the constitution?
2) Bush / Cheney not being alone … so, what … that’s an excuse? Pardon, but they were the POTUS and the VPOTUS. They were in charge. Call Vanna, buy a clue.
3) Only a businessman can turn that around: well, first off, it is arguable that Bush was also the wrong candidate because he failed in EVERY BUSINESS HE STARTED. Perhaps that’s why we are where we are: a shitty businessman was left in charge. But that’s really not the point: a CEO that has control of something can change it. The role of the executive branch of our government is to provide for a space of empowerment of business, via the common defense, the general welfare, peace, tranquility, you know, Preamble stuff. Business acumen is an interesting attribute (would Bush have had any) but it is hardly the most important point. Much more important is understand the ACTUAL role of the president, rather than that of pseudo-cowboy playing white house.
4) “Leftists double standard?” WTF are you talking about?
5) @ Carter – interestingly, if we had followed Carter’s quite visionary energy plan, we would be in a really good place right now – including getting 20% of our energy requirements (adjusted for time!) fulfilled by SOLAR POWER. Jeez, wouldn’t that have been sweet and a REAL “National Security” plus… less reliance on unstable and religiously bound middle east oil providers. Oh, wait – that would’ve just dumped the fuck out of the Bush family oil holdings. That’s a non-starter.
@ Edgar on Patriot act: I agree with you that it needs to be addressed, however given the polarized nature of our country I think he can only spend so much political capital on so many items. Funny to me that the argument swings from “He’s doing too much” to “He isn’t doing enough on everything” with just about inverse proportion to what the white hour press corps report (today).
@ Nash: I’m starting to really get you now. You lied up and down about what you listen to, what you’ve researched and read. Your positions are flagrantly clear and essentially word-for-word what the right wing talking points outline. You’re a tool of the right wing, and it’s pretty embarrassing. when you can say that you listen to Thom Hartman as much as I read American Thinker, then we can talk. Other than that, you’re just a tool.
Perky, you’re just full of crap.
Calling me a liar? You’re a fool.
You forgot a few things:
1) Constitution? Look who’s talking.
Maybe GWB saw it as a “living, breathing” document as well.
2) You wanting to blame Bush for everything shows how clueless -and loyal to you party – you are.
3) As I said, Bush has an MBA in Business. They don’t just hand those out.
4) Leftist double standard = leftists accuse “the right” of things, but it’s okay if “the left” does them.
5) EVERY president has pursued solar energy.
BTW – your SUV qon’t run on solar power.
You’re a hypocrite, a subversive, and a hate monger.
I just hope, for everyone’s sake, that you don’t breed or run for office.
Yeah man! Let’s git-it-on!
A) Whether you “are a liar” or not is something that you’ll need to address with yourself personally. You have lied since you are here, so your behavior is that of a liar. But that’s beside the point.
1) Please show me, in any real sense at all, how my assertions are anything other than not only in compliance, but completely support of our Constitution. Good luck with that one.
2) I don’t want to blame Bush for everything, there’s plenty to go around. Between Alberto and Dick and the rest of the Hitler youth, I could spread the wealth amongst a long line of assholes that have helped mangle the essence of my country.
3) @ hand out MBAs: oh yes they do. That’s just about the most east to get and easily misunderstood degree there is. And since he failed at every business he tried to put together, I’d assert that a degree, in this case, doth not a smart person make. Simply means he passed his classes man.
4) Please name what the left is doing that it says the right should not. I’ll not hold my breath, don’t worry.
5) You’re simply wrong. That is a wonderful talking point, but it was Reagan himself that dismantled the Carter energy plan. Solar … wind … natural gas? Bush? Either one? You’ve got to be kidding. They supported alternative energy the way that my children support brussel sprouts. Only just enough to get my attention off them, and then Poof! Into the garbage disposal.
@ Hypocrite, subversive and hate-monger: I know you are, but what am I? roflmao: Simply pathetic.
@ breed or run for office: well, I’m not going to run for office because I am no good at the art of concession. I am too idealistic. It would be a bad fit. I am better at pointed and heated debate.
Regarding breeding: I know – you righties have been trying to out-breed liberals for a long time. White trailer trash (the largest growing demographic for the Republican party … and just about the only one still growing) is a lot easier to control and convince than people with a brain, so I understand why you’d not want more of me around. However, you’re out of luck since I’ve been fortunate to have 3 of the finest children a man could ever ask for. And they are already quite well educated and well spoken, having already derived a sense of the world that does not always agree with mine, but is clearly their own and substantially founded.
Oh –
I forgot delusional.
Thanks for proving my point(s).
You’re really a frickin’ trip, Nash. You really are. Do you actually believe all that, or are you just busting my chops? It’s hard to believe that someone could be THAT stuck, blind and proud of it, as you appear to be. It’s like a Republican trifecta.
You stretch the truth an exaggerate.
This whole web site’s purpose is to spew your distorted view of reality and try to impose it on others.
Every sentence is hypocritical, especially the one about PrezBO’s mistakes.
I can sense the anger and hate in your posts. Did you ever stop to wonder why? I’m pretty sure it’s because you don’t realize that you’re on the wrong side of things, and you’re getting all worked up because someone tells you to.
“4) Please name what the left is doing that it says the right should not. I’ll not hold my breath, don’t w”
the patriot act.
The left was ALL OVER IT ALL THE TIME, now they make excuses.
Gotta be real man.
Gotta catch up on everything that was said Edgar, not just the last post:
@ Nash, re. “Impose it on others” Now I’m REALLY laughing out loud … I’m pretty damn sure that you came to MY SITE pal. I submit that by coming here, you’re trying to impose your beliefs on other people by posting in someone else’s blog. And you call ME hypocritical? roflmao:
Welcome to a REAL demonstration of free speech, Mr. KillFlagBurners: I detest what you have to say. It is deplorable, self centered, un-Christian, certainly indecent to my way of thinking, largely based on notions that are contrary to the intention of the Constitution and sometimes flat out illegal. And utterly protected by the very Constitution that you would toss aside. And I’m all about that.
And @ Anger: oh, you have no idea. Murder in my name as an American. Hate in the form of oppressive laws that take rights away from others (particularly the LGBT community). The attempt to destroy free speech in the name of your “decency.” Yeah man, I’ve got a LOT of anger for the people that have worked so hard to destroy my country.
Note that nothing I just said is specifically aimed at any particular president or administration: it’s been done by a lot of them for a lot of purposes. If I see Obama endeavoring to pull the same shit he will get no quarter from me either.
But the current truth is that we are just now starting to get a REAL picture of what kind of administration the Booshies were. If I were in Buffalo right now I’d be shuddering at the though that there was almost a military siege in my city … a flagrant abuse of power, against the constitution and patently illegal. And presented and advocated by Dick Cheney to Bush, who, to his credit decided that the FBI was a better path. FFS, the fact that that was even brought to that level of discussion is just breathtaking.
“Gotta catch up on everything that was said Edgar, not just the last post:
@ Edgar on Patriot act: I agree with you that it needs to be addressed, however given the polarized nature of our country I think he can only spend so much political capital on so many items. ”
But that is exactly what I’m talking about. That’s an excuse. You are excusing Obama for not doing what his voter population voted him in for.
I have two problems with this particular notion of political capital in this specific case.
On the one hand the political capital thing is a weak position to argue from. If you are not going to restore the civil liberties of the people who voted you in because you feel you need to play the political game, then that’s not a principled decision.
On the other hand, and I think this is more important in this case, there is no need to ‘spend political capital’ in order to shut down the PA.
I reason it like this: if the vast majority of the population is against the patriot act and believes it is a major infringement on civil liberties, then it would be an easy and popular decision to nullify the patriot act.
Political capital is only spent when doing something unpopular. When you have to sell the idea to the public at large then you are spending so called political capital.
Conversely, and I submit this to you, I think Obama is spending that political capital by NOT opting out of the patriot act and NOT PROMPTLY restoring the civil liberties of all the americans who voted for him.
So not only is the notion of ‘political capital’ a weak and politically gamy notion, but in this case the term doesn’t even apply to this particular situation, given the general feeling regarding the patriot act particularly in left leaning circles.
The dems own the house and OWN OWN the senate. They can do whatever they want. The public, according to many sources, is firmly against the patriot act. Obama is against the patriot act (at least as a candidate)– so what political capital are you talking about?
Come on perk, don’t be a die hard partisan. Be a die hard idealogue and a die hard liberal if you must, but don’t sully your idealism by making excuses for Obama’s lack of decisive action regarding an important issue like the patriot act.
“If I were in Buffalo right now I’d be shuddering at the though that there was almost a military siege in my city … a flagrant abuse of power, against the constitution and patently illegal.”
Not to pick on you perk but you can’t say that. Well, you can but not with any credibility. Well, then again you could say that with some credibility if you were fair about it.
You could be fair about it by mentioning a president from the other side of the isle who is guilty of the same thing. Say, FDR.
See, in this context (a much more fair and truthful context) Bush looks great!
In my book fairness goes a long way with credibility. Not that ranking in my book matters to you, but I think a lot of people are more generous with credibility when things are presented fairly.
It IS a better understanding that we all seek isn’t it?
I agree somewhat about spending political capital NOT doing it … but that’s only capital from one perspective. It is arguable that blowing his nose will take political capital now, because the Repubs just want him thwarted no matter what.
Don’t get me wrong – It concerns me that he is not as Liberal as I would want… because yes, I’da tackled some of those things right quick. And this is a damn important issue that needs to be addressed. And if we don’t see it raised at some point soon, I think he’ll justifiably start catching a lot of heat for it.
But in fairness, I think it is reasonable to also throw back into the argument that it’s taken about 8 years of political malignancy to get that component of government where it is, and about 30 to put us into the financial straights that we are. I think that since he’s just barely over 200 days, I think it’s reasonable to give the guy a shot at this – and I’m not being partisan here – I just honestly believe that the guy is probably more overwhelmed with shit to handle than any president in, perhaps, living memory and the Patriot act is, in their view, of lower priority. (HOPEFULLY THAT’S ALL IT IS). Perhaps it’s because he feels that he’ll need more whumph to get healthcare reformed, and so would use the honeymoon period (such as it wasn’t) to try to get that done, saving some of the easier victories for later. Politically calculated and, frankly, as repugnant as anything in politics is to me – but that’s my opinion of what may be up.
It is not indecisiveness that I defend here, it is the granting of a limited amount of time for him to work through becoming our president. Which in good times is tough, at these times is probably more than any of us can get our arms around.
You’ll see me angry if he does not show some more Liberal stripes soon … if we become to the Dems what the religious right is to the Repubs, you will hear a very large thud as his administration is tossed from the building.
All that said, to your one point of how much a slam dunk it would be, I think you’re over simplifying. Just go hang at The Nation or American Thinker or listen to Rush or Billo or Hannity or or or … he’s slammed man. I think that the notion of dumping the Patriot act will be played LARGE into a soft-on-terrorism or American apologist or simply unsafe for America. That may (and most probably will be) a battle royale rather than a simple execution.
Just today I read an article about how much Sarah Palin is the essence of what Americans are: how she’s the solution for everything that Obama is destroying … how they cannot rest until she is elected to save us from the abyss that Obama is pushing is into. It’s amazing. And troubling. The opposition to Obama is loyal, loud and potent. You know – you are one LOL. I think on balance, I have to reject the notion that he could do that easily. I think it will be every bit, if not moreso, difficult than everything else he’s got going on ATM.
Perky, you just don’t see it.
You label people unfairly. You do not judge people on their merit.
Your whole philosphy is “Liberals good, Republicans bad”. You even say that PrezBO is “not as liberal as I want”.
So what? What makes you think that what YOU want is for the good of the country?
You think that the Constitution is a “living breathing” document, then you criticize Bush for “taking liberties” with it. Hypocrite.
GWB has an MBA in business, but you think that’s a BS degree compared to PrezBO’s Juris Doctor. I am damn sure if it was PrezBO with the MBA, you’d be singing his praises. Hypocrite.
Slick Willie should get a “free pass” on comitting adultery while on the clock but Bush should be tried for war crimes?
Hypocritical bullshit.
If GWB had had associations with people like Ayers, Wright, Dorn and Rezco, you would call for his execution. But since it’s your hero, it’s a “non-issue”. Hypocrite.
I think you’re really upset because your boys Al Bore, the global warming hoax alarmist and John “Swift Boat” Scary Kerry were sent packing.
If they had been at the helm when 9/11 ocurred, we’d all be practicing Islam right now.
All you can focus on is what the media spoon-fed you about GWB. The left wanted us to hate them so that they can seize power.
GWB protected this country by creating Homeland Security and staying on “offense” against terrorism. He also wanted to build the fence along the Mexican border. His tex cuts and extended unemployment benefits helped a lot of people through the rough economy he inherited that was further ruined by 9/11.
He reorganized the Department of Justice and the FBI to focus on preventing terrorism.
He doubled the number of Border Patrol agents to more than 18,000, and increased their funding by more than 60 percent.
He halved the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile five years ahead of schedule.
He provided more than $16 billion for global food aid and more than $10 billion for disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts worldwide since 2001.
He increased the size of college Pell Grants to an all-time high and nearly doubled support for the Pell Grant program.
He rescued more than 575 children from sexual exploitation, arrested and convicted thousands of suspects, and helped recover nearly 400 missing children since 2002 by strengthening the AMBER Alert program.
He provided government funding for stem cell research while refusing to sanction the destruction of human life.
In the words of Jeremiah Wright, PrezBO’s pastor for over 20 years, “God Damn America!”
I will add, “and PrezBO!” to that.
History will see him as the worst president in recent history since “Peanut” Carter.
@perk + patriot act & public opinion
I don’t know perk. Ok, I concede that rush, hannity and orielly will shout from the roof tops but to who? Me and the other 17 people who voted for Mcain?
I think it’s pretty clear by the number of people who voted for obama that he’s got the public in his pocket so to speak.
No opposition there right? I mean he did win an overwhelming and one sided contest did he not? His lopsided victory proves that the Right is a small minority in this country.
I still don’t see it perk. I mean no matter what rush says the senate has 60 seat majority plus Snow and Collens from Maine. They can just ram through whatever they want, especially with the vast majority of the nation supporting that decision.
Unless of course, just maybe, Obama has a new perspective on the PA now that he is president.
Now regarding the point you made about the PA being relatively low on the priority list.
This issue strikes directly at the heart of true liberalism in the classic sense of the word. If liberals consider the PA to be one of the most egregious abuses of power that bush ever exercised how can obama just keep ‘letting it go’ ?
I would think that a liberal like obama would find restoring the people’s civil liberties to ‘true american status’ if you will, would be THE top priority. Perhaps instead of the Beer Summit he should be spending time putting the kaibosh to the PA in order to both satisfy his electorate and return the people’s civil liberties back to the norm. I’m saying this from a liberal perspective to try and see the issue fairly mind you.
Can’t you see it like that?
@Left Lefties and Religious Right
Yes, the left is to the left what the religious right is to the right. They lie to you on the campaign trail to get what they want. He’s a demagogue like the rest of them.
200 days is more than enough time to sort out important issues. He better get moving because I have a feeling 2010 will not be kind to him at all.
On a side note there is no one that I’m excited about representing the conservatives in this country. Who is going to run against Obama? There is absolutely NO ONE on the american stage right now that I would just LOVE to see become the next president.
I hope that was sarcasm!
Because, the election was not at all “one-sided”. It was very close, with PrezBO squeaking by with a mere 53% of the vote!
It’s obvious.
He lied just to get elected.
As for the Patriot Act, why would it be a priority to get rid of it? I am all for anything it takes to keep us safe. I have nothing to hide, so my liberties have not been hindered. You have to think of the greater good.
I would want the authorities scouring the airport and thoroughly questioning every “Habib” that comes through. We let our guard down on 9/11, and look what happened!
As for the next “Republican” president, McCain was not my first choice. However, I voted for him because he is not PrezBO.
We would’ve been right on track with a “President Giuliani” or a “President Romney”.
The public didn’t like Romney because of his “funny” religion. So, what do they do? They elect a former muslim, who then sat in the pews – for 20 years – of a church run by a bigot.
“I hope that was sarcasm!
Because, the election was not at all “one-sided”. It was very close, with PrezBO squeaking by with a mere 53% of the vote!”
Not being sarcastic. I thought the margin was wider, I didn’t look it up. But my point is still the same. With both houses in congress clearly in democratic control and a pretty decisive victory for obama it’s clear.
The nation is more left than right and it shows in who got elected all across the board. I don’t like it but that’s how it seems to be.
“As for the Patriot Act, why would it be a priority to get rid of it?”
Nash, I can’t believe you missed all the controversy regarding the patriot act. The liberals and the libertarians both despise the patriot act. They feel it was a power grab by bush. A perfect example of how he expanded the powers of the executive branch to the point of encroaching on the civil liberties of all americans.
The notion of civil liberties is at the very heart of liberalism. Personal freedom. In the classic sense of the word liberalism means liberty. Back in the days of Thomas Jefferson a liberal was someone who held personal liberties and freedom as the highest ideal.
Nowadays the word liberal has a somewhat broader meaning which includes its social implications.
All the same the PA crosses the very core values of liberalism in the most fundamental sense of the word.
Hence my surprise that Perk figured the PA to be low on Obama’s list of priorities.
There was energetic and vehement opposition to the PA when bush first implemented it, but now it’s low on the priority list?
Doesn’t add up to me.
Actually, I had to look it up.
After we were attacked 9/11, it was a wake-up call that we have been letting our guard WAY down (thanks to Clinton).
We need to stay on “offense” on the war on terror, and the Patriot Act is part of that.
I try to avoid “controversy” and get to the meat of the matter. That’s why I’m not “Republican” or “Democrat”. There are actually new areas like “Libertarian” and “Centrist”, because that’s where most of us fall.
I take each issue individually and find the “Common Sense” side.
@ Nash and why I’m a hypocrite:
Living and breathing does not mean abuse of. It means that it can be modified by our government as is necessary to conform to new societal norms and attitudes. Rather than working from within the confines of the Constitution of trying to change it, Bush just decided that the rules did not apply to him. That makes him a criminal, and you, ignorant.
My point is not that BO’s degree is better than GWBs. It’s that any butthead can get an MBA and still be an idiot. Frankly, I’ve known many people with doctorates that are horribly ignorant. The issue is that even with an MBA, he still failed at his 3 businesses, while BO is an acknowledged Constitutional scholar – which, contrary to your inaccurate assessment, is a VITAL component of being president, much moreso than being either a successful businessman or worse, an unsuccessful one. The skill necessary to navigate the political roads are much different than those of running a business.
I never said anything about him getting a free pass. But you must certainly admit, that getting a blowjob (a decidedly victimless crime) is considerably less of an offense than committing murder in the name of the USA. The fact that we impeached Clinton for that and you’d allow Bush and his administration go without so much as an inquiry actually points to your psychological imbalance.
This line is just silly. I’m no hypocrite here, you are simply sold by the right wing talking points. Associates like Bill Ayers? You’re kidding, right? Associates? You are a tool Nash. roflmao:
Well, it’s fair to say that Liberal policies have been squelched way too much in the last 30 years and that does piss me off. And if GWB had actually won over Al Gore, I’d not be pissed off that we had a bloodless coup in our country. And the swiftboaters, although an utter and complete lie from political operatives (well proven, don’t even try to argue that crap) is how politics in our country work, even if it is detestable. But your comments make clear, yet again that this is no discussion of ideas: you are just screaming from the right, with the wording that they have given you. You are no thinker or have any real opinions of your own, you are just a tool. And getting pretty boring as well.
Now you’re just being stupid. And racist. And bombastic. GWB had lots of indications that 9/11 was going to happen. He did nothing, ordered nothing. On his watch, we suffered the most deadly continental terrorist attack in our country’s history. Protected us? What… from Saddam? No, he allowed us to be attacked in the most heinous fashion. And the conspirists that said he let it happen to evoke a Pearl Harbor like response from the country may well be right.
Perhaps, if GWB had not been president, 9/11 would never have happened. And there’d be more middle easterners speaking English.
That, coming from you particularly, is just hilarious. Tool.
I suppose you can cite a specific example of your allegation…
That is merely your opinion.
Any any idiot can become a lawyer, and get disbarred as well. Just ask Clinton.
WHO “decided”?
Do you honestly think that Hillary is not a victim of this? Or, for that matter, Monica?
AND – adultery is illegal, punishable by law and grounds for divorce.
Is that how you moonbats frame it?
It’s WAR, dumbass! WAR that someone else declared on us first!
You must be role-playing here.
Even you can’t be that stupid.
Bill Ayers, the well-known domestic terrorist! HELLO!
Jeremiah Wright, the bigoted pastor.
Rezco, the slumlord.
It AMAZES me that you moonbats can’t see that this actually applies to you!
You are all like a Jim Jones-loke cult!
Bull F-ing Shit to the 10th degree.
GWB INHERITED 9/11. Slick Willie had PLENTY of chances to get Bin Laden, Hussein and the whole shabang. He was too much of a wuss.
GWB was only in office a few months and was still wading through the other shit Slick Willie left behind.
It all makes sense now!
You’re one of those Rosie O’donnell types that thinks that 9/11 was an inside job!
I should’ve known.
You’re a COMPLETE dumbass.
Thanks for proving it AGAIN.
@ Constitutional indiscretion: let’s just start with illegal wiretapping. Suspension of habeus corpus, ignoring amendments 6,7,8 via Gitmo … it goes on, but you’d not listen anyway, so WGAF.
@ victimless crime: Oh stop. Like you have any sympathy for Hillary at all. Bugger off.
@ war: um, whom, exactly started that? Are you still one of those that, despite volumes of evidence and even the admission of the Bush administration itself to the contrary, thinks Saddam had anything to do with 9/11? Seriously? So are you one of those that will come home and kick the dog if your boss yells at you? Are you really going to stand on the point that 9/11 justified our invasion of Iraq? Really?
@ Ayers: You really show your colors here Nash. Try facts, not political association. A dear friend of mine (and coincidentally, one of my younger brother’s teachers) was arrested and convicted of child molestation. Does that mean that I am potentially a molester? Should I never run for office because I had been associated with that man?
@ Jim Jones cult: oh yeah, that’s us. Liberal automatons, just looking to destroy America. What, was it Jeff Beck last night for you with a side of Billo?
@ GWB, 9/11: Well, unfortunately the facts just don’t agree with you. Now: it is true that OBL has been around for a long time, and in fact was financed and trained by the hand of your hero’s daddy. We created him. Bush, Cheney and Condee all received the reports that described exactly what OBL was endeavoring to do, months in advance of the actual attack. The evidence shows that chatter was up, everything pointed to an attack. And we did… nothing. Your hero did some great f’ing job protecting us Nash. Note that Clinton was trying to get him, even though he had not done anything directly to America yet. GWB did nothing, even as the indications of imminent attack dropped on him. Clinton “allowed it to happen?” You’re more deluded than I could possibly have imagined.
@ Rosie O’Donnell type: You don’t even read, do you? I didn’t say inside job at all. Do you even understand the reference to Pearl Harbor? Or how that reference relates to the 9/11 attack? Of course not. How silly of me.
@ “COMPLETE dumbass” Yeah man, that’s me. Oh, side question: have you looked into the mirror lately?
@ Nash:
I am under no illusion of the power of the punditry man … I mean, look even now at how the right is salivating and gloating that there will not be a vote on healthcare till after August – time is no friend to controversial legislation. It gives opponents the space they need to drop public opinion. The Patriot Act needs to be addressed. I am with you, that I hope it will be. But I disagree that Obama could put anything more on his plate and actually be effective – it is questionable whether he is stretched too thin already.
The amount of conservatives in the country is still pretty static, it’s the voters calling themselves independent that are moving away from the Republican party – big difference IMO. Partisan shift rather than philosophical. I think we are a deeply middle country, but people have varying strength towards right or left based on the issue. For example: if what conservatives really want is no health care reform, but (as is polled they do) more than 72% of the people in the US want major health reform, then whip up the base on Gay Marriage. Use that wedge issue to bleed support over onto the real target. That, to me, is a real problem because the important and desired stuff gets clotted and thwarted by relatively unimportant, but considerably more emotional stuff.
The problem with Dems is that they really aren’t a cohesive party. Hell, look at the Blue Dogs that are essentially Republicans. Tough stuff there man.
Oh I can definitely hear what you are saying, I just think that, to some degree, it’s a strawman because it doesn’t matter WHAT issue he tackles, there will be a huge contingent of people that wanted him to do something else. It is arguable, that since the tenets of the Patriot act have to be enforced to really be evil, he has the ability to simply say, “don’t do that stuff” (which is kind of what he hinted at a few months ago, that elements would just not be enforced or enacted) while he works on other, vastly Liberal programs, like healthcare reform. This, clearly, takes a leap of faith on my part. I just don’t agree that it’s as black and white as you are portraying it.
I can’t agree with that. He’s a politician, to be sure. And if we take a vanilla definition of demagogue:
a person, esp. an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
… then that is reasonably fair. But if we also take the second part of the definition:
–verb (used with object)
3. to treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
… then I have more of a problem with it. Although I am certain what Nash’s response to this would be, I do not see that Obama uses the same kind of fear mongering techniques that the right has used over the last 8 years. He is joked at for being about “hope.” you really can’t have it both ways there.
Again, I think he is. Because you find it the #1 issue (as do many, I’m sure) does not make it wrong that he’s working on another issue, simply that you disagree on priorities. That’s well within the realm of political debate, but pretty hard for us to comb out into anything definitive here.
I understand, but Clinton was almost utterly unknown until a few months into that primary season. I think the Repubs are currently stuck because they wish that their new focal point would make himself/herself known. But I think that the smart money is on smart people laying low to see what Obama does/doesn’t do, then save their resources for a quicker hard push, rather than trying to do battle now. I can’t see that there would be any benefit, at all, to someone aspiring to the presidency to show their cards at this point.
“Constitutional indiscretion: let’s just start with illegal wiretapping.”
Illegal? It’s in the Patriot Act!
“@ victimless crime: Oh stop. Like you have any sympathy for Hillary at all.”
What a non-answer.
Yes or no, is Hillary a victim?
“Are you still one of those that, despite volumes of evidence and even the admission of the Bush administration itself to the contrary, thinks Saddam had anything to do with 9/11?”
Iraq WAS harboring and aiding Al Qaeda.
In June 2008, the Senate released a report “Whether Public Statements Regarding Iraq By U.S. Government Officials Were Substantiated By Intelligence Information.” It reported that public statements by government officials that Iraq (prior to the war) provided safe haven for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other al-Qaida related terrorist members was substantiated by intelligence assessments.
“@ Ayers: You really show your colors here Nash. Try facts, not political association. A dear friend of mine (and coincidentally, one of my younger brother’s teachers) was arrested and convicted of child molestation. Does that mean that I am potentially a molester?”
It goes deeper than that and you know it.
Nice try.
Ayers helped PrezBO get his political career off the ground. They have been tight friends for years.
“Note that Clinton was trying to get him, even though he had not done anything directly to America yet.”
How about the USS Cole??
The fact is that Clinton should have and could have prevented 9/11.
You can spin and twist it all you want, but those are the facts.
But, you are an ObamaManiac with his head up his ass, so I suspect you’ll respond with the same old, tired Airhead America crapiola.
When I was younger, I listened to old Jackson Browne albums, was all about saving the whales, and so forth. When you’re younger and just starting out, you have these “romantic” notions about a Utopia.
Then, as I had a small child of my own, I realized what was really important.
National security. Morals and values. Stability.
Then, I realized that all that liberal stuff was just crap.
Prayer in schools? Whom does it hurt?
It’s usually in the form of a moment of silence. Use it as you wish. No biggie.
Some will say it’s a violation of the church and state thing, but again, one needs to think of the greater good.
I want a president that will stand firm against threats, not a wuss that wants to stuff daisies into rifle barrels.
I want a president that rewards hard work and sacrifice, not one that will punish my success in order to reward those that will not even try (because their government will provide for them).
From all indications, you are older than me, so that’s really sad. Time for you to grow up.
Man, it’s fun to mess with you people! roflmao:
@ Unconstitutional: The patriot act itself is (largely) unconstitutional and is now in the process of being eviscerated, as it should, via legal means. Two of the most prominent aspects have now been overturned as unconstitutional because of this complaint:
which lead to this decision:
You can read about it here:
Please be quiet while adults are talking.
Second, re. Hillary: distraction at best. Who cares, vis-a-vis our government, whether Hillary was a victim of Bill’s indiscretions? It’s a non-issue. He was impeached because he lied about it. Whether or not he should have been, is a completely separate discussion and I’m not even going there with you. But to weigh Hillary’s angst against the death of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraquis in a war started BY US on false pretenses, is definitely something that needs to be investigated. And the suspension of habeus corpus, ignoring the Geneva conventions and holding people in a limbo created by fast talking lawyers, directed to “create a case” for why we could do is just horrific. I regret for you that you do not understand. I realize it’s complicated, and that is not the right-wing’s strong suit.
Yes indeed, I am quite older than you it would seem. I am no longer full of piss and vinegar, ready to shoot first and ask questions later, or thoughts that angry elimination of peoples other than me is the correct course for ANY nation. Although as a black belt and 3 time national forms champion in Jujitsu, a proponent of the 2nd amendment, father and husband to a purely incredible family, I am no stranger to the notion of defending my self, my home, my family or MY INTERPRETATION of what is the correct way for them to be raised. When you stop to take a breath, you’ll realize that sometimes, the best way for children to be protected is for them to think critically – and to create a better world for them, rather than leaving one filled with more hatred, anger and guns. “Not a wuss that would put daisies into rifle barrels” – you should be so strong or enlightened. Only the arrogant and weak assume that simply with power, things are made stronger.
You are young and unfortunately misguided. I get your desire to have a better world for your children, it’s what we fathers strive for. But you should consider whether you want one that is more angry, bitter and polarized, or one that is more inclusive, empowering and stable. Honestly, as a father, I cannot imagine one wishing something so horrible as the paranoid and angry world we are left from the Booshies on my children.
You should reconsider their welfare.
“The patriot act itself is (largely) unconstitutional and is now in the process of being eviscerated, as it should, via legal means.”
It was legal at the time.
“Please be quiet while adults are talking.”
Adults? Where?
I have yet to see one. I feel like the teacher in a kindergarten class!
That might work on your kids, but it just makes you a bigger fool here.
“Second, re. Hillary: distraction at best. Who cares, vis-a-vis our government, whether Hillary was a victim of Bill’s indiscretions? It’s a non-issue. He was impeached because he lied about it. Whether or not he should have been, is a completely separate discussion.”
A non-issue?
You hypocrite.
He neglects his office, befouls the Oval Office, commits adulery, and bullshits the American people?
Actually, I’m not suprised you see it that way.
“..and to create a better world for them, rather than leaving one filled with more hatred, anger and guns. “Not a wuss that would put daisies into rifle barrels” – you should be so strong or enlightened.”
I guess it’s just a coincidence that Iran, and South Korea are starting to show their butts right after PrezBO was elected?
If he thinks that he can just “talk” to these madmen, he’s even dumber than I thought.
“You are young and unfortunately misguided.”
I didn’t even get “into” politics until 1991. I started paying attention and realized that Clinton was a bad idea, so I registered just to vote against him. Since then, I have taken several political science classes in college.
My philosphy is that everyone should get to the facts and ignore the propoganda (like this site, for instance).
I am content and satisfied. I have confidence that America will be great in spite of PrezBO. It’s the liberals who are always stressed out because they keep getting all worked out over being proven wrong.
“I cannot imagine one wishing something so horrible as the paranoid and angry world we are left from the Booshies on my children.”
I thank God every day for GWB. He stepped in to protect us when we needed him, to clean up Clinton’s mess, and help the economy after 9/11. Our children are more fortunate because of him.
@ Patriot act, legal: So was killing Jews because they were Jewish during the Third Reich. Sometimes it takes quite a while for abuses of power to be brought to justice. We see more, every day now, how Bush, Gonzalez, Cheney, you name it in that cabal are being exposed as the criminals-against-our-state that they were. Their crimes against us, over time, will be exposed.
@ me, again being a hypocrite re. Hillary: stop with the pseudo-compassion and distraction and address the real issue: it’s not whether Hillary was hurt at all (at least from a government and Constitutional perspective) – it’s about what was done illegally in this country. He lied, he was prosecuted. Again, whether he should or should not have been prosecuted is for another day. But to perseverate on his lying about a blow job (which, I’d wager a grand as if it were a dime that you’d do the same thing, given the same circumstances) and ignore the egregious, illegal and unconstitutional behaviors of the Bush administration is criminal in and of itself.
@ propaganda and ignore things, like this site: well, isn’t it time that you scooted along then? I believe the street lights are on. Time go to now.
@ our children are more fortunate because of him: well then you just go on believing that, old wizened one. We as a country are going to need to outlive our national shame at allowing a hooligan pseudo-cowboy to trash our reputation, allow us to get attacked, dismantle our Constitutional rights and destroy the General Welfare. He is a stain on us.
We’re all done here now. This thread has run its course and has become silly. Thanks all for your injections. We’ll start again I’m sure on another topic.