I think it’s important, for the boneheaded right wing nutjobs that want to attribute “socialism” to Barack Obama’s plan that we all know the truth. Today McCain called Obama the “Redistributionist In Chief,” further going on to try to tar Obama with a brush of Socialism that wants to “spread the wealth” in a way [...]
Anger & Nescience
I wouldn’t usually do this, but this comment just so perfectly typifies the right wing spirit of anger and nescience I have to replay it. I’ve added paragraphs for readability, otherwise it is here in it’s original form. Quote from comment by Trex Wow, I have to say that I am very disappointed… I stumbled [...]
Incorporation vs. Government
In a surprisingly candid interview with Congress, Alan Greenspan, Lord of the Free Market Conservatives, admitted this week that he was wrong in his assumption that “Banks were the best at managing their own risk.” This surprising admission goes contrary to literally, 40 years of fierce support of the Conservative view of the market, wherein [...]
Greenspan Corroborates
This morning on CSPAN Alan Greenspan was taped giving testimony about the financial crisis and it’s causes. He confirmed that it was the ability for banks to purchase Mortgage Backed Securities that was the essential cause of the problem, although he added one word which I neglected in my previous post, Sub-Prime Mortgage Backed Securities. [...]
A Financial Collapse Primer
Why you should read this: It explains the financial crisis and how it relates to this election cycle. It is fair and well researched and can be used in discussions and debate. One of PinkHat’s and my dearest friends sent us an email this morning, containing an argument asserting that it was Democrats who caused [...]
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