Atheists and Foxholes

“The public option is all but dead.” “The White House braces for the loss of the public option.” “Snowe will not support a public option.” I have some friends. They are married. “Good conservatives.” They are right along the party line. They cannot afford normal insurance, they’re self employed. They’ve about an 15K deductible in [...]

Silly, but appropriate.

Thanks to, this unexpectedly Zen little ditty from Korea, rather cleverly wraps up where we are as a nation, and how we should be behaving. Have a great one, sorry for not posting lately. But have you been catching WillyP’s writings? YOWZA.

Systematic Insanity

Just how insane have we become over the health care “debate?” How much of it is real, and how much has been programmatically developed by the right wing? BrainDonkey pointed me in the direction of a Washington Post article that I think asks a lot of great questions and points out just how crazy things [...]

A Lion’s Legacy

I’d love to write about how much Senator Edward Kennedy did in his life and help honor one of the great contemporary men of the Senate, but the Rude Pundit did a much finer job than I could ever imagine. So as a brazen scrape, here’s the essentials of his post.   Do you like [...]

The Lion Has Died.

Rest in peace, Senator Ted Kennedy. Lion of the Senate. Worked hard and served his constituency for the better part of his life. He died tonight at 77 years old of brain cancer. He will be sorely missed.