Conservative assholes on the warpath

You know it never stops to amaze me just how far conservative propagandists will go in an effort to try to sink a progressive.

In 2004, Jerome Corsi published a book called Unfit for Command, which was his essay asserting that John Kerry was a liar, disingenuous, and completely unfit to be president, based on his experience with him as a swift boat rider in Viet Nam. Although widely seen to be propaganda, misleading, and simply published for the sake of sinking John Kerry – as opposed to being any form of truth – the single redeeming quality and lingering doubt that it left was because Jerome Corsi actually was a Swift boat veteran as well.

To quote another old conservative bonehead, “Well, there you go again.”

Jerome Corsi has published a new book entitled Obama Nation (abomination) in which he attempts to outline Barack Obama’s extensive connections to Islam, the fact he is a stealth radical liberal whose experimentation with drugs in high school and college have never ceased. If there was any doubt that Jerome Corsi was in fact just a political hack uninterested in any form of truth, this certainly is been the nail in the coffin. I mean, c’mon – this guy was a swift boat veteran with John Kerry AND has intimate knowledge of Barack Obama? How lucky is this guy roflmao: ?

Have we not had enough of Rovian lies simply to win an election? What does it say of us as people that we allow this sort of behavior to continue? It just disgusts me. I encourage you to check out this latest crapoganda – you can find the link at Teegan Goddard’s Political Wire here: Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire