Clinton Nails It

After having nailed the compulsories with Hillary’s speech 2 nights ago, the Clinton team went on to the finals of the floor exercise, determined to prove that they are still, the undisputed champions of clutch politics.

In a stunning speech, delivered with his usual calm precision and oh-so-practiced cadence, President Bill Clinton kept the members of the DNC rapt as he simultaneously bolstered Barack Obama and tore at McSame. It was great to see him NOT avoid the elephant in the room, with a statement of something akin to, “Of course I’m disappointed my candidate didn’t win. But now it’s time to support that candidate that did” which I think went a long way to satisfying the perpetually sour PUMA members.

Of course, Joe Biden’s speech was also outstanding, but it’s hard to follow someone who is, arguably, the most genetically perfect politician of our time. He is a nightmare for Republicans and still beloved by Democrats to this day (and just think what he could have been, had he not disgraced himself and the office of President with his behavior).

So tonight’s the night: Barack will achieve more fame or fall in flame. He’ll prove SOMEONE right tonight: he is either a gifted orator and leader, prepared to take on the challenges of today’s world, or he’s an empty suit that chokes under the pressure of speaking in front of 80K people on the anniversary of MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech.

Personally, I think he’s gonna bring the heat and throw a perfect game ;)