11/08/2007 (7:15 pm)

3 kids - 3 schools

Filed under: Kids

Having 3 kids, 2 in elementary school and 1 in high school, all going to 3 different schools makes life very challenging these days. We are an organized family, but life just seems to get busier and busier.

I am wondering who may have a suggestion on things they do to keep themselves, or should I say their kids organized. I would love to hear your most favorite tid-bit, or suggestion. Nothing is too far out…

So tell me, what is your favorite secret?


  1. Mines 5 still - she knows the rules and she understands what to do

    She even said “I dont want to but theres no point in arguing is there” the other day - that isnt going to last long i think

    Comment by SEOidiot — November 27, 2007 @ 4:57 pm

  3. Hey SEOi -
    I loved the age of 5. Sounds like your daughter is very bright - gets it already - and understands your boundaries! That is great…as testing continues as they get older. We just all need to consistently stay one step ahead!

    Perkiset laughs all the time at our boys…as he can see them “playing chess” and he says that when he was a boy, he was good at it with his parents…so he understand their game. I just hope our chess playing stays one step ahead of theirs!

    Comment by PinkHat — November 28, 2007 @ 10:50 am

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