
This is the class that I use for performing web requests from systems that do not have anything other than


  4.3. Note that I recently added a couple little lines that are 5.0 only, but if you try to use the class it'll bomb fast and let you know. The new lines are not critical but do help out a bit.

Pop a thread in the discussion area if you wanna talk about usage.



class WebRequest {
var $URL;
var $Host;
var $Port;
var $responseCode;
var $responseMessage;
var $_method;
var $_lastResponse;
var $LastSent;
var $_GetArray = array();
var $_PostArray = array();
var $endOnBody = false;
var $timeout = 15;
var $succeedOnTimeout = false;

var $cookieList;
var $headerList;

function WebRequest() {
$this->cookieList = array();
$this->headerList = array();

function AddGetParam($key, $value) {
$count = $this->_GetArray['__count'];
$this->_GetArray[$count]['key'] = $key;
$this->_GetArray[$count]['value'] = $value;
$this->_GetArray['__count'] = $count;

function AddPostParam($key, $value) {
$count = $this->_PostArray['__count'];
$this->_PostArray[$count]['key'] = $key;
$this->_PostArray[$count]['value'] = $value;
$this->_PostArray['__count'] = $count;

function Content() {
$tempStr = str_replace(chr(13), '', $this->_lastResponse);
$tempArr = explode(chr(10), $tempStr);
$chunked = false;
while (true) {
$thisLine = trim(strtolower($tempArr[0]));
if ($thisLine <= ' ') { break; }
if (strpos($thisLine, '-length') > 0) {
$ptr = strpos($thisLine, ':');
$contentLength = trim(substr($thisLine, $ptr + 1, 1024));

if (strpos($thisLine, 'encoding') > 0) {
// If the encoding is chunked then I have to gather the content differently...
$chunked = (strpos($thisLine, 'chunked') > 0);


$tempStr = trim(implode(chr(10), $tempArr));

if ($chunked) {
// Bummer! NN2collect the data in chunks into a new array and send it back...
// (also, there wont be a "length" value yet)
$out = '';
$ptr = strpos($tempStr, chr(10));
$thisLen = hexdec(trim(substr($tempStr, 0, $ptr)));
while ($thisLen > 0) {
$tempStr = trim(substr($tempStr, $ptr + 1, strlen($tempStr)));
$out .= substr($tempStr, 0, $thisLen);
$tempStr = trim(substr($tempStr, $thisLen + 1, strlen($tempStr)));
$ptr = strpos($tempStr, chr(10));
$thisLen = hexdec(trim(substr($tempStr, 0, $ptr)));

return $out;
} else return substr($tempStr, 0, $contentLength);

function Cookies() { return $this->cookieList; }

function __Dispatch() {
if ($this->URL <= ' ') { return 'Error: WebRequest requires the URL property to be set'; }
if ($this->Host <= ' ') { return 'Error: WebRequest requires the Host property to be set'; }

// Build the final URL...
$finalURL = $this->URL;
$getCount = $this->_GetArray['__count'];
if ($getCount >= 0) {
$sepStr = '?';
$getStr = '';
for ($i=0; $i<=$getCount; $i++) {
$key = trim($this->_GetArray[$i]['key']);
if ($key <= ' ') { continue; }
$value = trim(urlencode($this->_GetArray[$i]['value']));
$getStr .= "$sepStr$key=$value";
$sepStr = '&';

if (substr($finalURL, -1, 1) == '/') { $finalURL = substr($finalURL, strlen($finalURL) - 1); }
$finalURL .= $getStr;

// Build the content portion of the request...
$postStr = 'No Content';
$postCount = $this->_PostArray['__count'];
if ($this->_method == 'POST') {
$sepStr = '';
$postStr = '';
for ($i=0; $i<=$postCount; $i++) {
$key = trim($this->_PostArray[$i]['key']);
if ($key <= ' ') { continue; }
$value = trim(urlencode($this->_PostArray[$i]['value']));
$postStr .= "$sepStr$key=$value";
$sepStr = '&';

$requestLen = strlen($postStr);

$cookieStr = '';
$start = true;
foreach($this->cookieList as $name=>$value)
if (!$start) { $cookieStr .= '; '; }
$cookieStr .= "$name=$value";
$start = false;

//      Build the actual HTTP request...
if ($this->_method == 'GET') { $type='text/html'; }
else { $type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; }

$header = "{$this->_method} $finalURL HTTP/1.1 ";
$header .= "Host: {$this->Host} ";
$header .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (


 intosh; U; PPC


  OS X; en)


 WebKit/417.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.8 ";
$header .= "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 ";
$header .= "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 ";
$header .= "Accept-Encoding: ";
$header .= "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8:q=0.7,*;q=0.7 ";
if ($cookieStr) { $header .= "Cookie: $cookieStr "; }
$header .= "Connection: close ";
$header .= "Content-Length: $requestLen ";
$header .= "Content-Type: $type ";
$header .= "$postStr ";

$this->LastSent = $header;

// Dispatch it!
$errno = 0;
$errstr = '';
$socket = @fsockopen($this->Host, $this->Port, $errno, $errstr);
$response = '';
$endOnStr = ($this->endOnBody) ? '</body' : '</html';
if ($socket) {
fputs($socket, trim($header));
$checkedHeader = false;
while (!feof($socket))
  stream_set_timeout($socket, $this->timeout);
$thisBlock = fread($socket, 65535);

$response .= $thisBlock;
$testResp .= strtolower($thisBlock);

$info = stream_get_meta_data($socket);
if ($info['timed_out'])
if (($this->succeedOnTimeout) && (strpos($testResp, '</head') > 0)) {
// Probably an incomplete page and the caller of this function
// is ready for it...
} else {
$this->responseCode = -1;
$this->responseMessage = 'Timed Out';
$this->_lastResponse = '';
return false;

if (strlen($response) == 0)
// If I am here then it means that the socket was closed on me
// without me receiving anything - otherwise, a complete failure.

$this->responseCode = -2;
$this->responseMessage = 'Bad Request';
$this->_lastResponse = '';
return false;

// Important: Check to see if there is a redirect or a problem...
// If so, store that and return the redirect page.
if (!$checkedHeader)
$testResp = str_replace(chr(13), '', $testResp);
$stop = strpos($testResp, chr(10) . chr(10));
if ($stop > 0)
if (strpos(substr($testResp, 0, $stop), '301 error') > 0)
$ptr = strpos($testResp, 'location:');
$response = substr($response, $ptr, strlen($response));
$ptr = strpos($response, chr(10));
$response = trim(substr($response, 0, $ptr));
$this->responseCode = 301;
$this->responseMessage = $response;
$this->_lastResponse = '';
return false;

if (strpos(substr($testResp, 0, $stop), '404 error') > 0) {
$ptr = strpos($testResp, 'location:');
$response = 'Page not found';
$this->responseCode = 404;
$this->responseMessage = $response;
$this->_lastResponse = '';
return false;

$checkedHeader = true;

if (strpos($testResp, $endOnStr) > 0) { break; }



} else { $response = "Error $errno: $errstr"; }

$this->responseCode = 200;
$this->_lastResponse = $response;

// Time to do a little work on the returned packet...
$this->headerList = array(); // clear it out
$this->cookieList = array(); // Clear it out as well...
$lines = explode(chr(10), $response);
foreach($lines as $line)
if ($line <= ' ') { break; }
if (strpos($line, ':') === false) { continue; }
preg_match('/^([^:]*): (.*)$/', $line, $matches);
$name = $matches[1];
$value = $matches[2];
$this->headerList[$name] = $value;
if (strtolower($name) == 'set-cookie')
preg_match('/([^=]*)=([^;]*)/', $value, $matches);
$name = $matches[1];
$value = $matches[2];
$this->cookieList[$name] = $value;

return $response;

function Get() {
$this->_method = 'GET';
return $this->__Dispatch();

function GetCookie($cookieName) { return $this->cookieList[$cookieName]; }
function GetHeader($headerName) { return $this->headerList[$headerName]; }
function Headers() { return $this->headerList; }

function Post() {
$this->_method = 'POST';
return $this->__Dispatch();

function Reset() {
$this->URL = '';
$this->Host = '';
$this->Port = 80;
$this->_method = 'GET';
$this->_GetArray['__count'] = -1;
$this->_PostArray['__count'] = -1;
$this->_lastResponse = '';

function SetCookie($cookieName, $cookieValue) { $this->cookieList[$cookieName] = $cookieValue; }




Rockin' perk


Thanks TD - I got a couple PMs, so here's a bit of usage:

$req = new WebRequest();
$req->Host = '';
$req->URL = '/aDir/aFile.html';
echo $req->Content();

$req->AddPostParam('aName', 'aValue');
echo $req->Content();


This class is t3h s3x0r. Perk has hooked me. If you can modify this so it can handle multipart form submission/file uploads, I'll never use cURL again.


coincidentally i was about to write one. now i dont need to.

btw, i have noticed alot of people write their functions/classes to break apart the host and URL.
Why do it like:

why not do it just as:

i have not been able to figure out a reason for not doing it as one big url

oh and another question. you do this.
if ($this->URL <= ' ')

what is the advantage over:
if ($this->URL == '')


quote author=nutballs link=topic=66.msg4133#msg4133 date=1194575563

oh and another question. you do this.
if ($this->URL <= ' ')

what is the advantage over:
if ($this->URL == '')

Personally, I would lean towards;

if( $this->URL === '' )



quote author=vsloathe link=topic=66.msg4130#msg4130 date=1194561119

This class is t3h s3x0r. Perk has hooked me. If you can modify this so it can handle multipart form submission/file uploads, I'll never use cURL again.

You are too kind Applause Actually, I originally started writing this for a host I was working on that had several of the HTTP mechanisms shut down (no


  or cURL either) but they had not shut down socket level connections.

Let's look at the multipart thang and I'll add it. That's a nice new chunk that should be added.

quote author=nutballs link=topic=66.msg4133#msg4133 date=1194575563

btw, i have noticed alot of people write their functions/classes to break apart the host and URL.
Why do it like:

why not do it just as:

For me it was forgetfulness. What I noticed over time of using the (then-evolving) class was that I'd forget whether I needed to add http: or whatever to the front... and since I'm doing construction on the end with get params and "perfecting" the url in any case, it just made more sense to get JUST the host and finish it up myself. I'd do stoopid stuff like passing a url of '/anotherPage.html' because I'd be thinking from the wrong perspective and then spend 2 hours trying to figure out WTF...  Applause

quote author=nutballs link=topic=66.msg4133#msg4133 date=1194575563

oh and another question. you do this.
if ($this->URL <= ' ')

what is the advantage over:
if ($this->URL == '')

Old habit, not much else. Less-than-or-equal-to a space is just in general more succesful for me than "equals a space" or equals nothing. And TD I'd not personal go towards exactly-equals-a-space (==='') or such because if I did something stoopid like $this->URL = false then the evaluation would not catch it. So the <= ' ' in general is the most broad capture of my stupidity and has for me for a long time.


i got a problem using this class, and its when I tested it on my blogs.

When i grab the content from any of my blogs I get back just under 4Kb of data. I am guessing this is a packet issue, that you are looking for something and assuming its done when you see it. but im not figuring it out.

These are wordpress blogs btw.

run this code against your class:

$req = new WebRequest();
$req->Host = $host;
$req->URL = $url;
echo $req->Content();

and to add another, that I get nothing back from...

$req = new WebRequest();
$req->Host = $host;
$req->URL = $url;
echo $req->Content();


Leave it to NutBalls.  Applause

Sarcasm aside, nice finds. What I did was to put echos of all (current) activity during the course of the pull to see what the heck is going on. Interestingly, these two URLs offer two completely different problems.

The second was easier to ascertain the problem - it is with the Content() function and not the dispatch itself. The entire thing is coming down, but there's not content-length header, so the Content portion was innacurately reporting the length of the content as well as the content string itself. Additionally, they do not report the totla length of the content after the like a chunked packet. Here's the header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:42:32 GMT^M


 /1.3.27 (Unix)^M
Connection: close^M
Content-Type: text/html^M
Vary: Accept-Encoding^M

Note that they do have the correct amount of CR/LFs, but not length. The problem was not actually with the retrieval of the content, but the figuring out how much is there - it's the Content() function not the dispatch. To patch it, I've added 2 lines:

if (!$contentLength)
$contentLength = strlen($this->_lastResponse) - strpos($this->_lastResponse, " ");

... so the Content function now should look like this:

function Content() {
$tempStr = str_replace(chr(13), '', $this->_lastResponse);
$tempArr = explode(chr(10), $tempStr);
$chunked = false;
while (true)
$thisLine = trim(strtolower($tempArr[0]));
if ($thisLine <= ' ') { break; }
if (strpos($thisLine, '-length') > 0) {
$ptr = strpos($thisLine, ':');
$contentLength = trim(substr($thisLine, $ptr + 1, 1024));

if (strpos($thisLine, 'encoding') > 0) {
// If the encoding is chunked then I have to gather the content differently...
$chunked = (strpos($thisLine, 'chunked') > 0);


$tempStr = trim(implode(chr(10), $tempArr));

if (!$contentLength)
$contentLength = strlen($this->_lastResponse) - strpos($this->_lastResponse, " ");

if ($chunked) {
// Bummer! NN2collect the data in chunks into a new array and send it back...
// (also, there wont be a "length" value yet)
$out = '';
$ptr = strpos($tempStr, chr(10));
$thisLen = hexdec(trim(substr($tempStr, 0, $ptr)));
while ($thisLen > 0) {
$tempStr = trim(substr($tempStr, $ptr + 1, strlen($tempStr)));
$out .= substr($tempStr, 0, $thisLen);
$tempStr = trim(substr($tempStr, $thisLen + 1, strlen($tempStr)));
$ptr = strpos($tempStr, chr(10));
$thisLen = hexdec(trim(substr($tempStr, 0, $ptr)));

return $out;
} else return substr($tempStr, 0, $contentLength);

The second one is more difficult. What's going on with braindonkey is more complicated. That server is chunking the response at 4K, which complicates retrieval and is make the


  function feof() report that the send is over. In looking at my previous page collections, I had assumed that I was handling chunked pages just fine, but in this case I am not. It is also not reporting the length in the header (so it would have had the same issue as the pcblog), however it is reporting the length at the head of the body (as it should for a chunked page). Here is that header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M
Set-Cookie: X-Mapping-caklakng=FFA80B05317C972222F38C43FC9D6DE6; path=/^M
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 17:32:37 GMT^M
Transfer-Encoding: chunked^M
Connection: close^M




 /1.3.34 (






Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M
Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=49^M

My class is requesting packets of 64K at a time and is confused that it's chunking at 4K. I am working right now on a patch for this and will report when I get all set. At that point I'll report the entire set of code - as well I will add an easy "debug mode" property so that we can all watch whats going on more easily.



Actually, in thinking further there are several things that I'd like to modify about the class, so I am going to do a quick rewrite of a couple more things and report that here, since I'm going to tear it up anyway.

More as I know it,


I figured it was the packet sizes. I didnt actually check it, but since I understood in the code that you were working at the packet level, and that it seemed to just cut off from wordpress blogs, it must have been packet size. I also wondered if it was a buffer flushing issue.

Seems you know what it is though, so cool, i look forward to the updated version Applause


Actually I am knee deep in it at the moment and am *very* pleased thus far... I wrote the old one with considerably less


  and packet experience... this new one is going to be FAR more robust and cool.

Course, there is the You'llBeMyBetaTester thang but we'll probably get through that pretty quickly...


This thread is officially closed out now, because discussion of the class has moved to the "Perk's NEW WebRequest Class" thread.

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