Thread: What could be the problem? gnarlyhat
I know it's not polite to ask for support on a script which is not supported but I would really appreciate it if any of you gurus can help me sort out the problem. Here is a script written by Eli ... yeah bluehat.
This is a cron script for which you throw a bunch of crontab lines and it makes sure that they won't overlap and put strain on the server. Here's the code. #!/usr/bin/ perlprint "Content-type: text/html "; use CGI qw/:cgi-lib/; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); %FORM=Vars(); #Instructions ################## #Set this to the server path to the crons.txt $pathtocrontxt="/home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/crons.txt"; # In the crons.txt put the first line as 0 and then put each cronjob on a seperate line below # set the chmod permissions to crons.txt to 777 and cron.cgi to 755 ##################################### print "Running Crons... "; open(INF,"$pathtocrontxt" or print "couldnt open file"; @commands=<INF>; close(INF); foreach $line(@commands){ chomp($line); if($line == 0){ print "not working "; @commands[0]="1 "; open(OUTF,">$pathtocrontxt"); foreach $command(@commands){ print OUTF "$command"; } close(OUTF); } elsif($line == 1){ print "working"; exit; } else { print "Executing: $line "; $output=system("$line"); print "$output "; } } @commands[0]="0 "; open(OUTF,">$pathtocrontxt"); foreach $command(@commands){ print OUTF "$command"; } close(OUTF); print " Done! "; Here's the contents of crontab.txt 0 ping ping ping ping ping and here's the error I got from crontab email. quote Content-type: text/html Running Crons... not working not working Done! From my limited knowledge, I can tell that it checks for 0 on the crons.txt first line and if true print "Not working" and change it to 1 and prints out the commands and executes it. May I know why it's not working? TIA dirk
Just had a look at the script.
It's a CGI script: So isn't the input from the GUI missing if you execute it on the command line? The hash %FORM which is defined here is never used: %FORM=Vars(); Dirk gnarlyhat
I would have not idea as the script is supposed to be called by crontab and it processes all the commands in crons.txt
Would it help if I were to remove it? dirk
I have tweaked the script a little bit. It's running now.
The crucial modification was: if ( $line == 0 ) { -> if ( $line eq '0' ) { The first condition was true for every line. Here was another bug: @commands[0] = "1"; -> $commands[0] = "1"; And I have changed it to: $commands[0] = 1; It makes no sense to quote and interpolate 1. Here is the modified code: #!/usr/bin/ perl# Instructions ################## #Set this to the server path to the crons.txt $pathtocrontxt = '/home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/crons.txt'; # In the crons.txt put the first line as 0 and then put each cronjob on a seperate line below # set the chmod permissions to crons.txt to 777 and cron.cgi to 755 ##################################### print "Running Crons... "; open( INF, $pathtocrontxt ) or print "couldnt open file "; @commands = <INF>; close(INF); foreach $line (@commands) { chomp $line; if ( $line eq '0' ) { print "not working "; $commands[0] = 1; open( OUTF, ">$pathtocrontxt" ); foreach $command (@commands) { print OUTF "$command "; } close(OUTF); } elsif ( $line eq '1' ) { print "working "; exit; } else { print "Executing: $line "; $output = system $line; print "$output "; } } $commands[0] = 0; open( OUTF, ">$pathtocrontxt" ); foreach $command (@commands) { print OUTF "$command "; } close(OUTF); print " Done! "; exit; gnarlyhat
Thank you very much Dirk. I'm testing it now.
Thank you so much I was thinking it didn't work earlier but then realized that ping will just keep on pinging non stop. I changed the commands to ping -c 5 and it spat out the results right to my email. Thanks once again. This will save me a lot of time adding crons dirk
Glad to hear it's working on your system also.
Yes, pinging on Linuxnever stops...I have tested it on my local Windows PC where it stops after 3 pings. Hence I haven't noticed that this generates another problem if you run the script on a Linuxsystem.Dirk |
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