

I need a cross browser solution to being able to determine the height of a scrollable window in


  so I can position an image in the middle of the visible window regardless of the scrolled position. I can do the width OK and the height of the window without any scolling, but the height once the window starts scrolling has so far eluded me. I have googled this for an hour or so this afternoon but got very little gratification.

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This will handle the browser BODY, but not a scrollable div if that's what you're looking for. IF you find a way to interrogate/manipulate the thumb of a scrollable div I've got a 6pack waiting for you pal...

function browserWindowHeight()
if ((document.all) && (document.getElementById))
return document.body.offsetHeight;
} else {
return window.innerHeight;
function browserWindowWidth()
if ((document.all) && (document.getElementById))
return document.body.offsetWidth;
} else {
return window.innerWidth;

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