Thread: Found it!

Howdy all.  Was looking for a smaller community to talk about cloaking et all.  Looks like I found it.


Doing WH sites (still do) for several years.  Have a day job working at home doing software consulting for a large company.  Got tired of the relentless WH world and ran across BH stuff.  Thought it would be fun / lucrative so I gave it a shot.  I develope in practically every language but specialize in


  now.  I notice the forum could use some spice in that section so I can't wait to contribute.

I've started BH using ssec but found it to be seriously inefficient, clunky, and lacking in new features.  I've since written an entire distributed cloaking suite in


  along with numerous spamming applications.




You are welcome here and you may discuss whatever you'd like to discuss (within reason - you'll know if you're off base). HOWEVER - you should know that this is NOT a private community (like the SyndkApplause ergo, the engines crawl here and there's no telling whom else lurks here. Therefore I wouldn't put much personal information up if I were you and you are worried about getting bagged.

Other than that, happy to have you!


Copy that.....hehehe...but with 12k members I wouldn't really consider s8 private either  Applause



Applause fair enough.


welcome bh,

nice to have a


  guy here (whateverthefish that is)  Applause

(must be a new


  module)   Applause


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