Short and sweet today. I woke up to Dubya verbally assaulting Congress on how they need to get to work. “They have a lot of work to do” he popped out repeatedly… insinuating that in some way Congress has been sitting their thumbs and relaxing while he’s been hard at work. Well, in some ways [...]
Hypocrisy Central or The Rubber Stamp Stops Here*
September 24, 2007 By 12 Comments
So this morning Bush starts talking about how Senate appropriates are all bollocks up and they need to get to it! There are 12 appropriations that will expire by next week and they’d best get those appropriations up to him so he can sign them by golly! He also noted that the Dems want to [...]
Bush on Healthcare: Go away kid, you bother me.
September 21, 2007 By 7 Comments
So yesterday Bush announces that the Dumbocrats’ plan for expanding the child medical insurance act (which would cover about 4M more uninsured children – up from 6M to 10M) is tantamount to Hillarycare & government controlled medicine. Well let’s see now. The first plan was passed by you and your boys pal. Seeing how it’s [...]
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