Fears Confirmed!

On Air America (Thom Hartmann show) they ran a quick poll in TX to see how many people are Republican but voted for Hillary… in 15 minutes they had over 1200 emails confirming that this was exactly what they had done… Thom mentioned that a great many were actually gleeful that they could do it. [...]

Hillary takes Texas… really?

CNN claims that Hillary won Texas because of undecided white male voters that changed to vote for her within the last 3 days before the primary. Am I the only one that sees that as enormously suspicious? I mean, isn’t it pretty clear if you are a white male in the state where George Bush [...]

Howard Dean goes on record

I am REALLY PLEASED because I just heard on CNN, Howard Dean commit to the notion of, “We started this process with a set of rules… and you can’t change the rules after you start” regarding seating the Florida and Michigan delegates. This is absolutely the most appropriate thing, so that the Clinton camp can’t [...]

Ralph and Hillary – what a weekend!

Ralph Nader is responsible for the war in Iraq. And just when we thought the race was really getting interesting, Ralph Nader steps in to make a mockery of it all. Let’s face it: The name “Ralph Nader” used to be synonymous with consumer protection, safety issues, consumer advocacy… he was practically a household name [...]

Back… To The Future!

Consider this, my right-wing warmongering friends: If we honestly believe that one of the reasons Dubya went to Iraq was to avenge the contract put out on daddy, then is it too far a stretch to imagine that a President McCain would keep us in Iraq as long as necessary to vicariously repair the damage [...]