Sour Grapes and Other Silly Things

Nutballs has posted something wonderful here:

Crybaby no vote for you now, waaaaahhhh! Anti Obama Babies

… and I think it’s perfect. It’s funny that I was working on something identical with PinkHat this morning, and to see it preposted at the BrainDonkey begs the question: Are Nutballs and Perkiset the same person? How many of you have EVER seen them in the same place at the same time?

But seriously, it’s a delight to see this sort of post starting at a non-specifically political blog. The whiney Billary voters are WAY WAY out of hand and need to get a life. This morning on CNN I hear a guy say, “Hillary voters are going to make Barack pay for not letting them have their nominee…” Boy did he get that wrong. The Hillary voters are going to make me, my family, our country, my children, grandchildren and in fact my entire country pay for the fact that they didn’t get their way.

As I mentioned in my last post, I think that this is more a way to obscure their racism, their lack of really understanding ANYTHING about politics or simply their fickle nature and social irresponsibility. And to paraphrase Nuts from his blog… did they miss the memo? THEY LOST. BARACK WON. And let’s talk about their notion that “Hillary was treated with disrespect. Barack should have consulted them, gone to them for advice and approval. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Would they have afforded Barack the same concession? Regardless of Bills ex-president status, he’s also a DISGRACED ex-president who is clearly no longer about the party, the beliefs of the Democrats or even, frankly, about the US’ future – he is about HIS future, even outstripping Hillary in a narcissistic tailspin of self importance.

PLEASE PLEASE Hillary voters – recall why you got interested in politics in the first place: I’d wager that you wanted to see a better America and believed that Hillary could do that. Well Barack and Hillary are on the SAME FRIGGING TEAM. MCCAIN IS NOT. He does not care about, nor will he support the issues that are CENTRAL to the desires and motivations of Hillary – health care, getting out of Iraq, education – he is Bush, but not quite as smart, technically savvy or handsome.

Friends don’t let friends vote for McCain. Before Barack beat Hillary, we were friends. Let’s get back there, defeat the horribly damaging policies of the right wing that are slowly eroding what is left of our America. Support and vote for Barack Obama for president. He is your Democratically elected Democratic Presidential Nominee. Please people.