
Generic database connection class - used specifically by the crawler.




class dbConnection
var $__connected;
var $__host;
var $__user;
var $__password;
var $__database;
var $__myConnection;
var $__lastQuery;
var $dataSet;
var $row;

function dbConnection($host, $user, $password, $database, $doConnect=true)
$this->__host = $host;
$this->__user = $user;
$this->__password = $password;
$this->__database = $database;
$this->__connected = false;
function &cloneConnection()
if (!$this->__connected) { $this->connect(); }
return new dbConnection($this->__host, $this->__user, $this->__password, $this->__database);
function close()
if($this->__connected) { mysql_close($this->__myConnection); }
function connect()
$this->__myConnection = mysql_connect($this->__host, $this->__user, $this->__password, true);
if (!$this->__myConnection) { die('class DBConnection cannot connect'); }
$this->__connected = true;
mysql_select_db($this->__database, $this->__myConnection);
function connected() { return $this->__connected; }
function error()
if (!$this->__connected) { return ''; }
return mysql_error($this->__myConnection);
function fetchArray()
// Note that I could have just said "return $this->row" and gotten
// essentially the same result, but I am potentially passing WAY more
// data back than is necessary - especially if there is a TEXT attached to the row
$this->row = mysql_fetch_array($this->dataSet);
if ($this->row) { return true; } else { return false; }
function fetchRow()
$this->row = mysql_fetch_row($this->dataSet);
if ($this->row) { return true; } else { return false; }
function fieldCount() { return mysql_num_fields($this->dataSet); }
function fieldName($idx) { return mysql_field_name($this->dataSet, $idx); }
function lastInsertID() { return $this->singleAnswer('select LAST_INSERT_ID(' . $this__myConnection . ')'); }
function lastQuery() { return $this->__lastQuery; }
function query($queryStr, $ignore=false)
if (!$this->__connected) { $this->connect(); }
$this->__lastQuery = $queryStr;
$this->__lastError = '';
$this->dataSet = mysql_query($queryStr, $this->__myConnection) or ($this->__lastError = mysql_error($this->__myConnection));
if (($this->__lastError > ' ') && (!$ignore))
print "MySQL Error on query('{$this->__lastQuery}') - {$this->__lastError}";
        function rowCount()
                return mysql_num_rows($this->dataSet);
function rowToXML(&$xml)
$max = mysql_num_fields($this->dataSet);
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++)
$xml->addChild(mysql_field_name($this->dataSet, $i), $this->row[$i], false);
function seek($rowNum)
return mysql_data_seek($this->dataSet, $rowNum);
function selectDB($dbName)
if (!$this->__connected) { $this->connect(); }
mysql_select_db($dbName, $this->__myConnection);
function singleAnswer($queryStr)
if (!$this->__connected) { $this->connect(); }
return $this->row[0];


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